As one of the best web design companies in Thailand, Pixel Interactive works to ensure your website is safe and secure. In this article we discuss the SSL certificate (http vs. https) and share why it is great for businesses. Visit our site for domain registration, web design, and Thai hosting packages.
Using SSL can be a big step for your business or organization. Pixel Interactive, a web design company in Thailand suggests that all websites look into upgrading from http to https (SSL). In this article we’ll discuss what SSL is and why it might be necessary for your business or organization. Whether you’re in Bangkok, Thailand, South East Asia, or one of our many clients Worldwide, we encourage you to learn more about SSL. Let’s get started.
Website Security Industry
How long has it been since the last website hack? Seriously, a website is hacked every minute. We often hear about the large scale website hacks that cost mega-corporations millions of dollars. Sometimes individuals are behind the hacks and other times it is groups or even countries trying to extract proprietary information. But what about all the small businesses and organizations that we never hear about. Small businesses actually have a greater risk of hacking because they lack the security to keep people out.
Sadly, it’s often the employee that mistakenly lets a hacker into a system (possibly by clicking on an email link or having a short/simple password.
A Few Stats
(courtesy of
- Cyber crime damage will reach 6 trillion by 2021 – up from 3 trillion in 2015
- Cyber security spending to exceed 1 tillion from 2017 to 2021
- Cyber crime will triple the amount of cyber security jobs (3.5 million jobs)
- Human attack will reach 6 billion people by 2022 (only 3.8 billion people currently using internet)
- Ransomware damage will exceed 5 billion in 2017
- IBM’s Chairman Ginni Rometty says “Cyber crime is the greatest threat to all companies worldwide”
After reading some of these facts, it might feel discouraging. Yes the internet is becoming a prime source for crime and our businesses and organizations (more importantly our personal data) could be exposed.
There is some room for optimism though. Cyber crime companies are becoming more intelligent and using machine learning to anticipate attacks before they occur. The Internet is also less anonymous as it once was and bad actors can be tracked and located. The great news for you, as a business or organization, is that you can take action to avoid the cost of hacking.
Take Action – SSL
SSL stands for “secure sockets layer” that is a enhanced layer of protection for websites that uses encryption. It is perfect for handling important information like customer names, phone numbers, address, and credit cards.
An SSL makes a secure connection with the customer’s web browser and their server. For businesses who sell products or are strictly e-commerce – SSL is a must. In fact, some savvy customers might not want to buy from you unless you have the SSL (source). Key factors of the SSL certificate are:
Encrypts the activity and data making it nearly impossible to people to access the information
- Shows details of the information (just click on the SSL certificate on the url to read about the security)
- Cross-checks Authentication so everyone knows who the are working with (business, buyer, and server).
- It also prevents phishing (email links/advertisements etc.)
- Adds to your brand power – even regular people know they should look for an SSL certificate.
- Improves trust
- Does slightly better with search engine optimization (search ranking)
Small Businesses and Organizations In South East Asia – Use SSL
Our web design agency in Bangkok recommends using SSL for all businesses that are selling products online. Whether you have a small online business or a large e-commerce platform, adding an SSL certificate will put you at ease and let your customers know you take their security seriously. It’s only a small amount to pay and might even improve sales!
Another step you can take to improve security is with your website password. Do not use your name, phone number, or the term “password”. Decide on a more complex password and write it down so you don’t forget. Using spaces and icons help make hacking your password more difficult.
Lastly, coach your employees not to click on links within emails unless they know where the email is from. Phishing emails are common place in Bangkok and can expose data to hackers. Use common sense when it comes to emails.
Why Should We Change From http to https (SSL)? At Pixel Interactive, we recommend our clients consider SSL when they hire web design, domain registration, and web hosting. The cyber security industry has developed at a rapid pace to keep up with hackers and to keep your website secure.
One of the most secure things you can do for your online business is to use a SSL certificate for your URL. It will keep your customers information safe and is particularly useful with financial transactions. Lastly, make sure your passwords are more complex than using a phone number or name and teach your employees what to look for in email phishing scams.
As the best web agency in Thailand, we thank you for reading. If you have questions about registering a domain name, need web design, or high speed Thai hosting, feel free to give us a call. We’d love to meet with you and share how we can help your business grow.